WG1: Closing the scaling gap: from leaf measurements to satellite images

The first WG aims to tackle the scaling gap between leaf and satellite measurements in order to link driving mechanisms at the leaf scale (e.g. rapid adaptation to stress conditions and photosynthetic rate) to photosynthesis at the global scale. By closing the scaling gap between leaf and satellite data, a better understanding of the spatiotemporal changes of plant photosynthetic rate will be achieved linking the objectives of WG1 and WG2.



We have prepared a questionnaire where we intent to understand the link and missing gaps between these two communities. We would like to ask you for 10 minutes of your time where you can help to accomplish WG1 objectives by filling this questionnaire:


Questionnaire summary is ready (pdf)

Objective 1.1 To identify scalable leaf-to-canopy biophysical and biochemical traits that can be derived from optical data, and to evaluate the accuracy that can be conserved when upscaling.

Objective 1.2 To provide clear, evidence-based guidelines of scaling protocols, in terms of measurement protocols and data treatment; this ensures consistent, reproducible, and comparable results across Europe (Objective 4.4).

Objective 1.3 To provide a theoretical scaling assessment by means of RTMs that enable the coupling of the RT of biochemistry-leaf-canopy drivers and giving feedback to the modellers for improving RTMs scaling functionality and for across spectral domain approaches (Objective 3.2).

Task 1.1 Training school on the use of instrumentation for simultaneous measurements of reflectance and radiance from leaf to satellite. The data set collected will be saved in  SPECCHIO (Deliverable 1.1). The training school will take place during year 1.

Task 1.2 Short term missions (STMs) to investigate the RT of biochemistry-leaf-canopy drivers  at their integration into RTMs (by using ARTMO). The STMs will take place during years 2 and 3.

Task 1.3 Short term missions (STMs) to develop methods that quantify uncertainty and error propagation throughout the upscaling. The STMs will take place during years 2 and 3.

Milestone 1.1 Workshop: Aim: to share scientific and technical expertise and discuss outcomes of Task 1.1; it will allow the exchange and transfer of technical expertise between participants and will determine the studies to be carried in Tasks 1.2 and 1.3. The workshop will take place in an ITC at the end of year 1.

Milestone 1.2 Workshop: Aim: to discuss outcomes of Tasks 1.2 and 1.3. In this workshop we will define the bases and timeline to complete the Scaling protocols (Deliverable 1.2).The workshop will take place in an ITC at the end of year 3.

Deliverable 1.1 Unique bottom-Up (leaf to satellite) data set of simultaneous measurements of reflectance and radiance.

Deliverable 1.2 Scaling protocols for consistent reflectance and radiance leaf-to-canopy measurements, as an output of the exercise and experience gained during the course of the  Action.


The SPATIAL SCALING CHALLENGE is an open exercise where the participants are challenged to down-scale or retrieve relevant biophysical and plant physiological variables (e.g., leaf chlorophyll content, leaf area index, maximal carboxylation rate, non-photochemical quenching) from hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy data of a single scene provided to the participant.

Please, check this link for more information.


Leading Team WG-1

 Dr MaPilar Cendrero-Mateo (leader), University of Valencia, Spain, m.pilar.cendrero@uv.es

MªPilar is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Laboratory of Earth Observation (University of Valencia). Her research is focused on translating biophysic al traits of plants towards the emission of chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance vegetation indices. It includes experiments from the growth chamber to the greenhouse towards whole agricultural fields.

Dr Javier Pacheco-Labrador (vice-leader), Max-Planck-Institute, Jena, Germany,  jpacheco@bgc-jena.mpg.de

Javier's research focuses on the use of hyperspectral optical proximal and remote sensing data, and thermal information to estimate biophysical and functional parameter of vegetation combining radiative transfer and photosynthesis models. He is interested in scaling issues from leaf to canopy, and the assimilation of observations of different variables at different scales in time and space. He also focuses on proximal sensing of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, spanning from the adequate acquisition of spectro-radiometric measurements to the scaling and interpretation of the signal.

 Dr Shari Van Wittenberghe, (vice-leader), University of Valencia, Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), Spain, shari.wittenberghe@uv.es

Shari Van Wittenberghe (PhD in Bioscience Engineering) is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Laboratory of Earth Observation (University of Valencia). Her research focuses on the hyperspectral monitoring of the dynamics in absorbed photosynthetic radiation (APAR) at the leaf level and how these dynamics are related to the controlled energy dissipation by the photosynthetic antenna. By working under both controlled and field conditions with current high spectral resolution sensors, the goal is to further improve the monitoring of the photosynthetic light reactions leading to carbon sequestration from remote VIS–NIR hyperspectral observations.


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