The core group members of the COST action's research project "Optical synergies for spatiotemporal SENsing of Scalable ECOphysiological traits" (SENSECO) are:
Dr Martin Schlerf, Chair
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
Martin Schlerf (Geographer, Ph.D. in Remote Sensing) works as a Senior Research Associate at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). He is coordinating research projects in hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing of vegetated and non-vegetated surface properties with a focus on the retrieval of biophysical and biochemical vegetation properties at various scales for precision agriculture and forestry applications. He was a national representative of Luxembourg in the COST-Action OPTIMISE, is a member of the Mission Advisory Group for the CHIME (Sentinel-10) mission to space by the European Space Agency and chairs the SENSECO COST-Action.
Dr Jochem Verrelst, Vice-Chair
University of Valencia, Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), Spain
Jochem’s research activities are on one hand within the framework of ESA's FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission, and on the other hand focus on the retrieval of biophysical parameters. He is the founder of the ARTMO toolbox ( for semiautomatic RTM running and retrieval of vegetation properties from Earth Observation data. He holds an ERC to work on fluorescence-based photosynthesis estimates for vegetation productivity monitoring from space (
Dr MaPi Cendrero, Working Group 1 leader (scaling gap)
University of Valencia, Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), Spain
MªPilar is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Laboratory of Earth Observation (University of Valencia). Her research is focused on translating biophysic al traits of plants towards the emission of chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance vegetation indices. It includes experiments from the growth chamber to the greenhouse towards whole agricultural fields.
Prof Lammert Kooistra, Working Group 2 leader (temporal gap)
Wageningen University, Netherlands
In his role as Associate Professor, Lammert am teaching in several Geo-information Science courses and supervising on average 8 PhD students. His research interest is in the development of integrated sensing systems, combining satellite, drones and in situ sensors for monitoring applications in agriculture and environmental resource management.
Dr Miriam Machwitz, Working Group 3 leader (sensor synergies)
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
Miriam has a background in environmental sciences and obtained her PhD in Remote Sensing. She is working as a Research Associate at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) focusing on vegetation modelling. Her expertise comprises crop growth modelling and data-model-integration for agricultural applications with a special focus on hyperspectral UAV data analysis.
Dr Andreas Hueni, Working Group 4 Leader (data quality)
Remote Sensing Laboratories, Dept. of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Andy has been working on the Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX) imaging spectrometer project since 2007 and is currently a Research Associate with the Remote Sensing Laboratories, UZH, where he is leading the research on APEX sensor and data calibration. His research interests include the calibration of spectrometers, uncertainty analysis, and the design of combined database and software systems, such as the spectral database SPECCHIO.
Dr Enrico Tomelleri, STMS & Training Coordinator
Free University of Bolzano, Italy
Enrico has ben playing with Eddy Flux data since 2004. His main interests are environmental remote sensing, proximal sensing and ecological modelling. Furthermore he's an UAV enthusiast and from time to time he is lecturing courses to foster open exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices for enabling Open Science among the future biogeoscientists.
Dr Dessislava Ganeva, ITC conference grant coordinator
Space Research and Technology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Dr Katja Berger, Science Communication Manager (leader)
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
Katja has been involved in the scientific preparation of the German hyperspectral EnMAP mission since 2010 at the Department of Geography, LMU Munich. After a few years break working in epidemiology research, she mainly focuses on agricultural algorithms to be provided for the EnMAP-Box software. Her main interests are radiative transfer models and the exploration of machine learning regression algorithms for the derivation of agriculturally relevant products (nitrogen content and non-photosynthetic vegetation).
Dr Esra Tunc, Science Communication Manager (Vice-leader)
Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Dr Veronica Sobejano-Paz, Virtual Networking Grant Manager
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark