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The SENSECO committee is organising a wide range of networking activities:
Find all coming events and networking tools in the dedicated pages. View also SENSECO news section.
Dr Enrico Tomelleri (leader), free University of Bolzano, Italy, etomelleri@unibz.it
Enrico has ben playing with Eddy Flux data since 2004. His main interests are environmental remote sensing, proximal sensing and ecological modelling. Furthermore he's an UAV enthusiast and from time to time he is lecturing courses to foster open exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices for enabling open science among the future biogeoscientists.
Dessislava Ganeva (ITC conference grant coordinator), Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria, dganeva@mail.space.bas.bg
Dr Radoslaw Juszczak, Poznan University of Life Sciences, radjusz@up.poznan.pl
Dr George Petropoulos, Hellenic agricultural organisation DEMETER, Ministry of Agriculture, Greece, petropoulos.george@gmail.com
George P. Petropoulos (PhD, King’s College London UK) is an Associate Researcher in Remote Sensing & GIS at the Dept. of Soil & Water Resources of the Institute of Industrial & Forage Crops (IIFC) of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization “ELGO DEMETER”, Greece. He also holds a Marie Curie Fellowships with the Dept. of Mineral Resources Engineering of the Technical University of Greece. Previously (until 02/2018) he was Associate Professor in Remote Sensing & GIS at the Dept. of Geography & Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University, UK. His research is focusing on the exploitation of technologically advanced EO sensors and synergistic multi-sensor EO modelling & GIS geospatial techniques for obtaining spatiotemporal estimates of key state variables characterising land surface processes.
Dr John Connolly, Dublin City University, john.b.connolly@dcu.ie
John, in his role as lecturer, teaches several courses in climate change; natural ecosystems and GIS at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and will be supervising several PhD students over the next four years. His research interests are focused on using remote sensing to study land use, land use change and carbon dynamics in natural environments in Ireland, Europe and across the Arctic.
Optical synergies for spatiotemporal SENsing of Scalable ECOphysiological traits (SENSECO) is a COST Action, which brings together scientists from Earth Observation to understand better vegetated ecosystems.
SENSECO is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.
Send an email to: contact@senseco.eu